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About Us

Hi, I'm Teresa. Ethelbird & Eliza Kids is named after my mom & grandmother.

It is the realization of my appreciation for quilting and joy of finding the perfect fabric. I named my company after my mother Ethel and grandmother Eliza. Both accomplished seamstresses, Ethel taught me to sew and Eliza helped me make my first doll quilt top.

Ethel, Teaching Kids to Sew

Ethelbird, as my father lovingly called her, has taught many children to sew, including me at a young age. After learning the craft of sewing, my sister, friends and I made clothes to wear and trade. Over the years Ethel has made special dresses, outfits, and even costumes for family and friends. She has made doll clothes and taught children to make dolls and doll blankets. She has made many snuggly, lightweight receiving blankets perfect for warm climates.

Eliza's Quilts

As a young mother during the depression Eliza sewed almost everything her large family needed. No scrap of fabric was wasted as she made lots of clothing and many quilts. Frequently she recycled them into more clothing and quilts. She continued to make quilts for the rest of her life. Many are owned and treasured today by family members.

When I was seven Eliza taught me to make a doll quilt top on a portable child's Singer machine. The fabrics for the little quilt top and backing were selected from Eliza's fabric stash. After Eliza's untimely death in an accident caused by a drunk driver, the quilt and backing were stored in a special box and I focused on learning to make clothing. Years later as a fabric lover and collector I decided to try quilting again and was hooked.

Delightful Fabrics = Enjoyable Sewing

Every piece of fabric and item offered here is personally selected by me. I am pleased to share my favorite fabrics with you and hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I would love to receive a picture or description of the fabulous creations you make with them.

Happy Sewing,
Teresa Borton
Ethelbird & Eliza Kids
P. O. Box 70063
Lansing, Michigan 48908